C.L.B.C. Messenge to Self Advocates October 2017

October 5, 2017


Dear members and allies of the BC Self Advocacy community,

We hope you are well and have enjoyed your summer!  We are pleased to send you this update about what’s new here at

Community Living BC, including updates on:

  1. October is Community Living Month
  2. Self Advocacy Leadership Conference in Cranbrook
  3. 18th Annual Self Advocate Leadership Institute in Mission
  4. CLBC welcomes Minister Shane Simpson
  5. Thank you to everyone who helped during wildfire season
  6. Trauma Informed Practice events for staff and partners
  7.  include Me! quality of life survey update and plans for this fall
  8. Update on Advancing New Support Options Project
  9. Update on CLBC Planning Project
  10. Government increases for people who access PWD assistance
  11. What is the Ethical Reporting (Whistleblower) Policy?
  12. Self Advocate Net shares stories

October is Community Living Month

Check out the CLBC website for the many great events and celebrations taking place across the province for Community Living Month. Also have a look on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

If you are planning, or know of, any events in your community that you would like to promote, please send the details by email to Christopher.Rae@gov.bc.ca.

Self Advocacy Leadership Conference in Cranbrook, October 20 and 21

This year’s Interior bi-annual conference is being hosted by the Kootenay Community Council and Self-Advocates of the Rockies with sponsorship from CLBC. This year’s theme is “Building & Celebrating Confidence in Knowledge.” There will be workshops on home sharing, relaxing strategies, guest speakers and more.  For more information on the event, please click here.

18th Annual Self Advocate Leadership Institute in Mission, November 10 to 12

This year’s Self Advocate Institute will be held at Camp Luther Retreat Centre in Mission, B.C. Join other self advocate leaders to learn more about self advocacy, rights and healthy relationships. For more information, including registration details, please click here. If you have any questions, please call Coordinator Gregg Schiller at 604-688-7001 or by e-mail at: GreggSchiller@shaw.ca.

CLBC welcomes Minister Shane Simpson

Welcome to the Honourable Shane Simpson, MLA for Vancouver-Hastings, as the new Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction and Minister responsible for CLBC.

You can read more about Minister Simpson on the CLBC website here.

Thank you to everyone who helped during wildfire season

CLBC would like to recognize the amazing work of service providers and community members who went above and beyond to ensure the safety of the people and families CLBC supports.

You can read a great story about this hard work here.

Trauma Informed Practice events for staff and partners

CLBC wants to better support  people with multiple complex needs.  One of the ways we are doing that is by hosting training events about Trauma Informed Practice.  You can find event dates and locations on the CLBC online events calendar here. For more information on Trauma Informed Practice events, please email Gwen.Miller.Watt@gov.bc.ca.

include Me! quality of life survey update and plans for this fall

This year, the include Me! survey, which asks people CLBC supports about their quality of life, received responses from 466 individuals. This was the first year of surveying people in the Kootenays.

The include Me! team is preparing for 2017-18  surveying which will be expanded to the North (Terrace and Smithers area).

To learn more about include Me!, please visit the CLBC website here. Results of the current round of surveys will be available on this page in early October.

Update on Advancing New Support Options Project

Self Advocates and families are helping to design a new community inclusion service.

This fall there are four teams around BC made up individuals, families, CLBC staff and service providers who are trying out different parts of the new service that have been designed so far.

The new service is expected to start in Spring 2019.  For more information about this project contact Zainum.Bahadshah@gov.bc.ca

Update on CLBC Planning Project

CLBC is working with individuals, families, and CLBC staff to re-design how CLBC plans with the people it serves. This project is designing:

  • the way individuals and families are introduced to CLBC;
  • how individuals and families get information about CLBC as well as community resources;
  • options for how individuals and families plan with CLBC to connect to funded services as well as community resources.

This fall, project participants will be testing out new ways to plan with CLBC.  People who are eligible for CLBC services, and interested in planning with a CLBC facilitator, will be invited to participate. You can also find more information here, and look for future updates on the CLBC website.

Government increases for people who access PWD assistance

As of October 1, 2017, people on income assistance will be able to earn an additional $200 a month without any impact on their payment.

For more information, please click here to read the full news release.

What is the Ethical Reporting (Whistleblower) Policy?

One of the ways CLBC makes sure people are safe and treated with dignity and respect is through the CLBC Ethical Reporting (Whistleblower) Policy. The policy is a tool for anyone to let CLBC know when they see something wrong. This policy protects the confidentiality of anyone making a report.

For more information about the ethical reporting process, including how to make a report and examples of irregularities that can be reported, please click here.

Self Advocate Net shares stories

CLBC continues to be a proud sponsor of B.C.’s Self Advocate Net website. Please visit the links below to read recent articles from self advocates across B.C.

If you want to share your own story idea, you can click here.

We hope you found these updates useful. Please feel free to contact Jessica directly at Jessica.Humphrey@gov.bc.ca if you have any questions or comments about this message.

Thank you as always for helping us build strong and welcoming communities.

Sincerely yours,

Seonag Macrae
Community Living BC

Jessica Humphrey
Self Advocate Advisor
Community Living BC

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