Monthly Archives: January 2015

Advocating with Compassion: Supporting People around Personal Supports

I have found that, in my work as an advocate, some of the life issues I support people around are very tricky. Now some issues are straightforward but others can be very serious and challenging. Some topics are quite obvious and others are downright sensitive and personal. The reason why I love the work I […]

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Message from the CLBC CEO Seonag Macrae

Dear members and allies of the BC Self Advocacy community, Happy New Year. I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your friends and family. I am writing today to inform you that Doug Woollard, VP Regional Operations, will be retiring at the end of February. I want to convey my deep gratitude to Doug. […]

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How can individuals and families make a complaint to Community Living BC?

  How can individuals and families make a complaint to Community Living BC? Community Living BC is the crown corporation that funds supports and services to adults with developmental disabilities in BC.   CLBC wants to know if you are not happy with your supports and services. They also want to know if you feel […]

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January Edition of The Kamloops Self-Advocate Newsletter 2015

The Kamloops Self-Advocate is a newsletter for people with diverse abilities published by Krystian Shaw.   Here is the January newsletter about accessibility and some info about myths and facts  also about people with disabilities and sexuality also has in this  newsletter is all about celebration of life, celebrating everything life has to offer all […]

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