2017 is the year for Disability Pride: Celebrate inclusion with the rest of Canada

Inclusion BC logoInclusion BC is launching a year-long celebration of Disability Pride as part of the official Canada 150+ celebrations, marking our country’s 150th anniversary. Funded in part by Canadian Heritage, we are excited to be offering grants to help include people with intellectual disabilities as leaders and contributors in existing community activities, causes or celebrations across British Columbia.

Citizens with intellectual disabilities are essential to the Canadian mosaic. Throughout 2017 we’re promoting Disability Pride with the goal of inspiring action.

Visit DisabilityPride.ca to view The Story Behind Disability Pride, a short documentary that covers our exploration of pride and its role in civil rights movements. It looks at how and why pride consistently falls on the path to inclusion, what our Disability Pride celebration could look like, the importance of belonging and what being a Canadian means.

So, we invite you to be part of defining Disability Pride in 2017. Start planning how you want to participate in your community. What groups or causes do you care about? How can you join in supporting movements, activities and celebrations?

Funded by: Inclusion BC Foundation and Department of Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada


Contact Amy Nugent,

Executive Director,

Inclusion BC Foundation




SHARE the Movement
61 years ago Inclusion BC and our federation led the cultural shift from institutions to community living. Our collective work continues to address barriers for people with intellectual disabilities and their families to participate as full citizens in every aspect of Canadian life. 
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