CLBC’s E-Newsletter September 2019 Edition Update

CLBC’s E-Newsletter    |     September 2019
September is Disability Employment Awareness Month in B.C. This edition of CLBC Connect shares family and employer stories and tips.
The power of a paycheque

“I’ve seen so many incredible changes in Francis (second from right) since he began working. He’s matured, confident, and his communication skills have drastically improved,” says Annabel of her son’s employment experience with Canada Landscape.

Click here to read the full story and learn how one mother supported her son to find the right job and more independence.


Optimism, persistence bear fruit

Wade (left) was searching for a meaningful job while Richard (right) needed an eager, focused employee to join his beverage company.

Read their story here and find out how a community connection led to an employment opportunity that benefits them both. You can also learn how CLBC and WorkBC help people access employment that matches their unique skills.

Untapped talent pool key to B.C.’s future

In 2019 more than 5,000 people who live with developmental disabilities reported an income. That’s up from 2,200 who reported an income in 2013. It’s thanks to hard work by business champions, service providers, families and self advocates.

Click here to read this opinion piece from new CEO Ross Chilton that was printed in the Vancouver Sun on September 14, 2019.

New CEO Ross Chilton talks parenting and reframing obstacles as challenges

“As soon as I can, I want to get out to all the regions and hear from the people we support and their families. I want to understand from their perspective what is working well and needs to be protected, and what is not working and needs to be tweaked,” says Ross Chilton, who began as CLBC CEO in August.

Click here to read Ross’s story and learn about his family connection to CLBC, as well as his perspective on meeting challenges and appreciating life.

Helping people find their potential

Meet Shelley Gerber, CLBC’s provincial employment coordinator. She has a passion for understanding the power of a good job. Spoiler alert: It’s usually about more than money.

Click here to read Shelley’s profile and get her tips for families who are supporting a loved one to find employment.

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