CLBC Message to Self Advocates March 5th,2020

March 5, 2020
Dear BC Self Advocacy Community and Supporters,
The new year is off to a busy start. With spring just around the corner, here are some updates about what CLBC is working on:

  • Minimum direct funded respite rate increase
  • Home sharing funding increase
  • New information being collected as part of employment services
  • Inclusive housing plan updates
  • Open CLBC Board meeting takes place March 12
  • Self advocate and family stories
  • Self advocacy leadership opportunities

Minimum direct funded respite rate increase

  • Community Living BC is increasing the minimum direct funded respite rates for families from $2,800 to $3,080 per year.
  • This will start April 1, 2020.
  • If you have a question, please contact

Home Sharing funding increase

New information being collected as part of employment services

  • There is a new government agreement in place for CLBC to receive funding for employment services.  It is called the Workforce Development Agreement (WDA).
  • The WDA requires CLBC employment service providers to collect personal information from people receiving CLBC employment supports. For example: name, address, birth date and social insurance number.
  • CLBC has created a way to maintain the privacy and security of people’s information.
  • You can read CLBC’s brochure for individuals and families about the information requirements for the WDA here.

The Inclusive Housing Task Force has been working on:

  • Collecting information to better understand the number of people who need housing.
  • Creating a public awareness campaign, website and video for self advocates, families and service providers to talk to city planners, council members, and property developers.
  • Developing a toolbox to help self advocates and families plan for inclusive housing.

Next open CLBC Board meeting takes place March 12

  • The next CLBC Board meeting is on March 12, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Self Advocates, individuals, family members and members of the public are invited to attend.
  • Anyone can ask to present questions to the board at open board meetings.
  • You can learn about how to do that here, and you will also find information for people who live outside of the Lower Mainland and are unable to attend in person.
  • See the full list of open board meetings for 2020 here.

Self advocate and family stories

Self advocacy leadership opportunities

Thank you as always for everything you do to build inclusive and welcoming communities. We hope you find this information useful.
Ross Chilton
CEO, Community Living BC
Jessica Humphrey
Self Advocate Advisor, Community Living BC

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