CLBC Connect A bi-monthly update with news, stories and tips on services and support

CLBC’s E-Newsletter    |    September 2016
A bi-monthly update with news, stories and tips on services and support


Welcome to the first edition of CLBC Connect, our new digital newsletter!

This bi-monthly publication will provide readers, particularly families, with more frequent information on initiatives, supports and resources.

It will also share stories and tips about how families are accessing supports and services from CLBC and their communities to help build good lives.

The newsletter complements our new twice-yearly Celebrate Diverse Abilities magazine created by our Editorial Board to feature the voices and stories of self-advocates, and our renewed Facebook page called Start with Hi and Stay Connected.



Dancing into adulthood

As she prepares to transition into adult services, Lucy Long continues to pursue a passion for dance that started in her childhood.

Click here to read Lucy’s story, and find ideas from Lucy’s mother Donna on encouraging a family member’s recreational pursuits. Also find Donna’s tips on the CLBC youth transition process.


How individuals and families are helping build the next generation of community inclusion services

Through the Advancing New Support Options Project (ANSO), families and self-advocates are helping to design a new service that’s slated to be added to CLBC’s catalogue of services in 2018.

Click here to read the story, and find out how you can help to name this new service.


Ideas for your community: Kamloops game night builds skills, inclusion

Every Thursday night Dan Seedhouse and Cory Doyle walk into ASK Wellness Society in Kamloops with their game faces on. They’re ready to battle their opponents in a table top game that usually involves role play.

Click here to read the full story.


Mapping your local community treasures

When members of CLBC’s Vancouver Community Council gathered recently to plan their work for the years ahead, they couldn’t think of a better first project than identifying the many resources, or assets, that exist for individuals and families in the region.

Click here to read the story, and learn more about other asset mapping projects in B.C.


Get to know those who serve you:
Person-centred passion

“Each person CLBC supports is unique and it’s important for us to recognize that.

We’re here to be person-centred,” says James White, Community Planning and Development Manager in CLBC’s Vancouver office.

Click here to read James’s profile, and find links to person-centred resources.


Please let us know what you think of this newsletter

by sending an email to

If you know of anyone who would like to receive future editions of this newsletter.

please direct them to the online sign up form here.



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