I am twenty six years old I finally moved out of my parents to a new place on my own.
I want to share my experiences and thoughts on what I like about living at Chorus.
Some of my friends are a lot closer now and some live at Chorus Apartment.
I love having them over to visit me.
It is nice to have my own privacy to live at the apartment on my own without my parents around.
It is nice to have my own personalized space to share with my friends.
Since living on my own and having friends close by, I go out with them more often for example to the movies not just on weekends to the Eagles games and even to the pub.
Overall because my friends are so close I feel less lonely.
I have more people around in my life.
I bump into friends in the hallway and we get to chat and make plans.
Everyone is a short distance and only a phone call away.
Staff are around to help with life skills such as cooking, shopping and menu planning.
It is nice to have someone around to visit and talk to if I have a problem big or small.
Every staff is different and I like that. Each brings their own ideas which keep things interesting.
Since moving out of my parents and into Chorus Apartments there are many things I had to learn and be able to do all on my own.
Getting up on my own is something that I do on my own.
It was a big concern in the beginning but I have never slept in or been late to work.
It is comforting to know that staff still check in just in case.
Cooking was something mom always had done for me. It is something I now do for myself.
I make breakfast in the morning, dinner at night and pack my lunch for work.
It is nice to have the freedom to choose what I like to eat.
Cleaning is something I do on my own I clean without having to be reminded.
I also pay my bills on my own (Online and always on time).
I feel happy living at Chorus Apartments.
I am glad that I do not have anyone to tell me what to do.
I am proud of myself.
There was a point that I did not think I could do it all on my own.
I feel less lonely now and a part of something new.
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