One of the Good Ones



If you’re like me then you’ve had a lot of dealings with different organizations; service providers, wheelchair repair, cleaning services, or even home maintenance services.

The list goes on and on. Some of been so bad that they were next to useless, others have been so-so. Perhaps the most frustrating are those companies that absolutely brilliant one time and bone headed incompetent the next. To find a truly consistently good organization to work with is the proverbial needle in the haystack.

But I’ve found one that I’d like to share with everyone else; and they are the BC Association for Individualized Technology & Supports for People with Disabilities or BCITS which is how what most sane people call them.


BCITS has been around for a few years and specialize in coming up with mechanical and electronic aide to help people live at home and with greater independence.

I use them for my phones, and work stations that allow me to operate my lights, from my chair and my TV, lights, phone, radio (and a call bell that I never use) from my bed. They could also handle my doors and computer setup, I’ve know they do that for others. but I have other groups/individuals to handle those for me personally.


The reason why I really like working with BCITS are many.

First and foremost, their services are complementary to their clients and that these are lifetime contracts. I never have had to pay them anything either for the time or their equipment, which is unfortunately becoming rarer and rarer these days.

Second, they work with all sorts of disabilities and don’t worry about which ministry you get your funding from or if you even have ministry funding you in the first place. Finally, their servicing is excellent.

On more than one occasion I’ve had a problem with something breaking down (happen to the best of us) and BCITS personal been there to replace the broken piece of equipment on the same day! In one case the service person was off work and came by just because I was on her way home.

Now that’s service.


Mostly I recommend that others check out BCITS because they customize their work for the individual needs.

They really try and figure out what works best for an individual and then turn around they to create it.

Sometimes it works right off the bat and sometimes it needs a lot of fiddling with get to function properly. But they’ll keep trying until something positive comes from it.

I like that. It shows me that there are more than just people with disabilities out there who are too stubborn to quit.

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