BIG HOUSE Art Exhibit

Date: October 1st to December 3rd, 2017
Location: Anvil Centre, 777 Columbia Street, New Westminster (across the street from the New West Skytrain station)

BIG HOUSE Art Exhibit

In late 1996, when the last residents of Woodlands were preparing their move to community, the BC Self Advocacy Foundation initiated a project to record memories and feelings of people who had lived in large institutions. In 1998 survivors worked with artist Persimmon Blackbridge to create a series of mixed-media pieces as part of a larger exhibition, From the Inside/OUT! Big House, presented by Inclusion BC Foundation, is a selection of these works coinciding with the City of New Westminster’s Canada 150+ programming centered on the theme of “Home”.

The exhibit runs from October 1 through to December 3 at the Anvil Centre in New Westminster. Selected artwork will also be displayed at New Westminster City Hall.

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