The Kamloops Self-Advocates is a
newsletter for people with diverse abilities
published by Krystian Shaw.
May 2018 Edition KSA Newsletter 2018 contains in
This month’s theme
Law Enforcement Training For Unbiased Policing By Krystian The BC Government was looking for ideas and feedback on how to promote unbiased policing. They wanted to get ideas from everyone who has had unfavourable personal experiences with policing due to being differently-abled.
The survey was from March 12th to April 16h. I advocated for people who have developmental disabilities by sending a fact sheet about people with IDD to the government. I let them know about the justice system in the USA and how people can get involved in it.
If we are to get equal justice, everyone needs expertise.
I suggested working with people who have developmental disabilities, self-advocacy groups, as well as community living agencies to develop better standards for people with developmental disabilities for inclusion.
Click here to read the newsletter KSA May 2018 draft (9)