Province launches new Building BC: Supportive Housing Fund

Victoria Thursday, August 2, 2018 2:00 PM

Building on the success of its Rapid Response to Homelessness program, the Government of British Columbia has launched the Building BC: Supportive Housing Fund.

This investment will provide $1.2 billion over 10 years to build and operate 2,500 units of supportive housing for people who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness.

A call for expressions of interest has been issued to identify non-profit housing providers interested in providing property management and support services for new housing projects under the Supportive Housing Fund.

Non-profit housing providers selected to operate these projects will provide support services including, but not limited to:

  • Individual or group support services, such as life skills, community information, social and recreational programs;
  • Case planning and resident needs assessments;
  • Connecting residents to community supports and services, such as education, employment, health, life skills, long-term housing;
  • A meal program;
  • Supporting residents to maintain their homes, such as directly assisting with room maintenance and resident rent contributions and/or repayment plans; and
  • Help in accessing income assistance, pension benefits, disability benefits, obtaining a B.C. identification card or establishing a bank account as appropriate.

Service providers will be selected based upon the requirements of each specific community.

Quick Facts:

  • BC Housing will lead the creation of the new Supportive Housing Fund projects in partnership with non-profit housing providers, government authorities and community groups. The buildings and land will be owned by the Province.
  • In addition to the support services funded by BC Housing, clinical services for supportive housing residents may be established through partnerships with health authorities and programs, such as multi-agency intensive case management teams, which provide targeted supports for tenants in need.
  • The expression of interest package is available at MERX Canadian Public Tenders:
    It is also available at BC Housing:
  • Other Building BC programs launched as part of Budget 2018 include:
    • Building BC: Community Housing Fund – close to $1.9 billion over 10 years to deliver 14,350 affordable new rental homes, built through partnerships with municipalities, non-profit housing providers, housing co-operatives and Indigenous organizations.
    • Building BC: Women’s Transition Housing Fund – $734 million over 10 years to build and operate 1,500 new units of housing, including transition houses, safe homes, second-stage and long-term housing.
    • Building BC: Indigenous Housing Fund – $550 million over 10 years to build and operate 1,750 units of social housing, both on- and off-reserve.

Learn More:

Building BC: Supportive Housing Fund:

Read Homes for B.C., government’s 30-point plan to address housing affordability for British Columbians:

This on BC Govt website click here

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