Staying Strong

Hi my name is Zoe.  I am a self-advocate at Semiahmoo House.

This coronavirus made me emotional.  Sometimes I felt sad, angry, worried and frustrated.

When I felt my anxiety I would do things to help me.  I would go for a walk with my sister.  Talking to my family made me feel happy.

Doing puzzles or painting helped calm me down.  When I missed my friends I would talk to them on FaceTime.

Talking to my Self-Advocate group on ZOOM helped me realize that I can be stronger because we are all in this together.

We had a dance party and a happy hour too. In the beginning of this coronavirus the store where I work closed.  It made me sad because I like my job and everyone is very nice to me there.  Now they reopened.  We have to wear masks and gloves.  They give the customers hand sanitizer when they come in.  I feel safe and happy to be back. My birthday is coming and we have to be careful with my party.  I will just have a small party.

We will social distance in the back yard.  We have soda pop bottles instead of punch.  I will use a fan to blow out my candles.  We should make decisions to make sure our family and friends are safe.

I went to a restaurant with my cousin.  I went to the grocery store with my family.  I went to Dairy Queen with my dad.

I am starting to feel a little more confident about going out.

Difficult times can make me stronger.

By Zoe Rice

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