My overcoming COVID19 story


My name is Summer Clement. I live in a small town name Nelson BC. I started my quarantine on March 17th. There is no particular positive days, only everyday has been positive for me because I have online schooling. It keeps me busy and stay positive.


My lovely teachers are there helping us with online classes. In the Transitional Training course, we are learning wellness activities like what we are grateful for and doing art projects like plant a pine cone, and make a nice stick into a word mobile. We also made hearts to put in the window for the doctors and nurses and workers.


My classmates and friends have a great group chat. We all check in every day. It’s very wonderful.

It was pretty shocking when I found out I couldn’t leave my house or go to college. My teachers emailed to tell me that they had to stop classes because of this COVID 19 virus. The most difficult time is when me and my roommate needed food and supplies.


I can’t leave my house but my roommate has to do all the shopping and it makes me a little depressed and it’s hard not to be able to see or hangout with friends.

The positive thing is at least she can get food and supplies for us, and I’m safe and healthy and I can video chat with my family and friends. That is one thing that helps me every day and what I’m grateful for every day. I think this story will help others because it will help others stay positive no matter how depressing and stressful in dealing with these time of COVID 19.


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