Take government out of a direct role in providing community living services

• Take government out of a direct role in providing community living services to children with special needs and adults with a developmental disability.
• Creation of a new governance structure for the delivery of supports to individuals with disabilities and their families – the Community Living Corporation of BC.
• Review all policies and regulations with a view to removing all barriers to individuals, families and communities finding their own solutions to the challenges they face.
• Provide funding to help individuals, families and communities meet their own needs through the choice of Individualized Funding and Direct Funding to Families.
• Encourage new sources of funds into the disability services system and acknowledge those contributions within the tax system (i.e. community, corporate and family).
• Enable government to meet budget and staff reduction targets and use the resulting savings to redirect funding to individuals and families waitlisted for support. Transforming Community Living Services Proposal
• Cost savings would be used to meet unmet needs of individuals and families waitlisted for services.
• Increasing choices and options by implementing Individualized Funding and Direct Funding to Families as key component of transforming the disability service system to a new way of “thinking and acting” within a framework of citizenship and building community capacity. Transforming Community Living Services Proposal
• Enact legislation to create a welcoming environment for individual and family contributions by changing the tax system (perhaps using the TONI agreement) to recognize those contributions to disability-related costs and to attract new sources of funds for social services from individuals and corporations.
• Engage key stakeholders (families, service providers, communities) in meeting government budget reduction targets. Transforming Community Living Services Proposal

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