B.C. People First Looking for Advisor position

screen-shot-2012-05-16-at-9-31-23-pmDear Amazing Person!

Yes! You amazing person!

You would make a great Advisor to the BC People first Board.

An Advisor is a volunteer role with the BCPF Board that helps us with our work to have the self-advocate voice heard.

You help us do our work, not do our work for us.
What you will give:
• Your gifts- what are you good at Numbers? Great, help our treasure.

Good at writing, help us write amazing articles about what BCPF has been up to…etc.
• Patience
• Organized
• Your ear, we need people to listen….really listen
• Your knowledge on how things work
• Your enthusiasm for having the world hear the self-advocates voice!
• Your time 4 to 8 hours per month
• Make a one year commitment

What you will get:
• An opportunity to show your gifts
• Build skills
• An opportunity to be part of a Provincial , National and International organization

• An experience to remember and skills to add to your resume
• Work with an amazing Board that will make you go…hmmm.

Check out the links and/or email us at bcpfcoordinator@gmail.com

The BCPF Board.

THIS IS COPY PRINT OUT  bcpf-advisors-wanted-letter-2016

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