British Columbians invited to help shape Budget 2019

Attention Self Advocates. Here your chance to advocate participate in The 2019 Budget Consultation

Victoria Saturday, September 15, 2018 8:30 AM

People in B.C. will have an opportunity to share their ideas and priorities for the province’s next budget with the release of the Budget 2019 consultation paper.

The all-party Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services is inviting people to participate by attending the series of upcoming consultations throughout the province or by completing a survey online.

In its first year, government has made progress in making life more affordable, improving the services people count on and creating a strong, sustainable economy throughout the province. Looking ahead to Budget 2019, government will remain focused on these areas while maintaining prudent fiscal management.

The Budget 2019 consultation paper will help government better understand the priorities of British Columbians. The consultation asks people to share their views on how government can best support a diverse and sustainable economy and maintain a balanced budget that invests in the people of B.C.

British Columbians can participate by completing an online survey, making a written submission or by attending one of the committee’s public consultations. Submissions must be received by Oct. 15, 2018 for inclusion in the process.

Learn More:

The 2019 Budget consultation paper is available at:

The online survey and information about how to participate in the consultation process is available


This on BC Govt website click here

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