Notice of 2018 All General Meeting
Thursday March 15th 2018, 2:30-4:30pm
Abbotsford Quality Hotel and Conference Centre
36035 North Parallel Road, Abbotsford BC V3G 2C6
President’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Elections of 5 new Directors, Review and approval of new Bylaws and Constitution to bring BCPF into compliance with the new BC Societies Act.
The AGM is FREE for all BCPF members. If you want to attend the FULL DAY CONFERENCE you will need to register and pay $5.00 (includes catered lunch, snacks and tea/coffee)
Pre-registration ONLY! No payments accepted at the door. Space is limited so please register early to guarantee your spot. Priority given to those living in the South Fraser Region, with limited spaces for those who are out of the region for the full day conference.
Deadline to register is Wednesday February 21, 2018
For questions about the AGM, conference, or registration information please EMAIL US or call Provincial Coordinator BCPF Ariel Pavic (604) 786-9642
1. Director Zone 1, Lower Mainland East and West (3 year term)
2. Director Zone 2 From North or the Kootenay (3 year term)
3. Director Zone 3 Vancouver Island or Central Interior (3 year term)
4, Director Region-The North BC (3 year term)
5. Director- Lower Mainland East/Fraser Valley (1 year term)
Nominations are due March 8th 2018
Elections held at the AGM on Thursday March 15th 2018, those not attending the meeting in person have the option of attending the elections via speakerphone.
Being a member of the Board of Directors of BC People First is a very important and rewarding opportunity. As a Board member, you will work to promote the inclusion and full citizenship for people who have been labelled with a developmental disability, you get to decide on what the Society will focus on, what projects to work on, you get to participate in special training, learn new skills and make wonderful new friends. We currently have 4 positions available for nomination for 3 year terms, and one position for a 1 year term.
A candidate for election to a region should be nominated by a member of BCPF in their region. A candidate for election who does not represent a region may be nominated by any BCPF member. If no nominations come forward, the Directors may nominate candidates.
Time commitment:
-One meeting via conference call per month (these will usually be on Thursday evenings). Extra projects, events and committees may require extra calls per month.
-Minimum of 4 to 12 hours per month working on BCPF projects, committees, events, presentations, meetings etc.
-In person meeting up to 2 times per year, 2-3 days: The Board meets as a group once per year for the AGM. Every second year, the Board holds a Conference. Your expenses for travel to these amazing events are provided by BCPF.
Note: The Board does NOT meet in December or one month in the summer.
-Be a member of BCPF in good standing. Membership is FREE and you can join anytime.
-Have a passion for our values and mission.
-Attend all board meetings, can not miss more than 3 meetings without valid permission.
-Agree to adhere to the BCPF Code of Conduct, representing yourself and the Society in a positive way.
-Have a person that you trust to advise/help/support you in the role as needed to participate and this person will give their contact info to BCPF.
(there will be no nominations from the floor of the AGM).
For nomination forms, please EMAIL US
or call BCPF Coordinator 604-786-9642