Category Archives: 2013 Archives

Holds all 2013 posts on archive.

Day of Persons with Diversabilities

On December 3, 2013, Victoria’s City Council officially proclaimed the day as “International Day or Persons with Diversabilities.” A celebration at City Hall was attended by more than 70 self advocates, family members, service providers, City Councillors, Victoria MLAs and community members. Presenters and speakers included Sheenagh Morrison, a local self advocate who had requested […]

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Robert Pio Hajjar, A Man Who Knows How to Play His Cards

The cards you’re dealt are not as important as how you play them.” ~ Robert   Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?   I am 35 years old and an only child.   When I was born, doctors told my parents to put me away and forget about me. Was that ever […]

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The Kamloops Self-Advocate

The Kamloops Self-Advocate is a newsletter for people with diverse ablities published by Krystian Shaw. The November Edition of The Kamloops Self-Advocate features interviews, upcoming events, tips on surfing the internet safely, stories on the Kamloops Blazers, Employment, the recent Self-Advocate conference and much more! Click to download the November Edition of The Kamloops Self-Advocate. If you would […]

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Self Advocate Story

My Story By Michelle Goos on July 19, 2013 I felt like a regular kid, until I started school. School has always been a struggle for me and there was little support outside a special education classroom when I was a kid. One of my most clear memories was being mad at my sister who […]

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No More Barriers

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Speaking to the Minister

During Community Living Month, self-advocate and president of the BC People First Provincial Board David Johnston gave an impassioned presentation about the needs of people with disabilties the North. Johnston had an audience with Minister of Social Development Don McRae, South Peace MLA Mike Bernier and Community Living BC coordinator Ahmed El Namer. David told them the […]

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Immunize BC

Even the healthiest diet can’t protect your child against the deadliest, most infectious diseases. A healthy diet provides the body with the building blocks it needs to respond to viruses and bacteria, it doesn’t help the body recognize or respond more quickly to these germs. Bacteria and viruses that cause serious illness are able to make us sick by growing so quickly […]

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Interview with Minister Don McRae

New Social Development and Social Innovation Minister Don McRae visited BC Self Advocate Net during his visit to the Fraser Valley for Community Living Month. Here is a video of an interview we did with him. For more great videos visit

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Scholarship Survey Results

Over the past month, Self Advocate Net and Community Living BC have been inviting feedback from staff, self advocates, service providers and volunteer Community Councils across the province regarding the $100,000 Scholarship fund that was established with the BC Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU) and CLBC last year as part of their collective bargaining […]

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Ministerial visit gives opportunity for self-advocacy

By Alex Butler – Abbotsford News Published: October 09, 2013  Joe Rikley and Bryce Schaufelberger’s work focuses on self-advocating for the needs of people with disabilities – work that includes ensuring the government has heard their needs and concerns. Rikley and Schaufelberger, who work for the HOMES Society in Abbotsford, run a website made by […]

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