Category Archives: 2013 Archives

Holds all 2013 posts on archive.

I’m Off My Antidepressant Drug (Almost)

I’m Off My Antidepressant Drug (Almost) I’m off my antidepressant drug, almost. I will be taking my last antidepressant drug on Sunday evening. I was going to mention the drug name, but, I decided to not follow through before my left hand middle finger pressed down on the “e” key. I had already pressed my […]

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Thanx for Self-Advocates Day

Thanx for Self-Advocates Day Hello. I would like to give thanx for our self-advocates day at Sevenoaks Alliance Church last week. Thanx to all those who organized the days events. Thanx to all of those who came to conduct our workshops in the morning. Thanx to Linda Perry for giving us a speech on the […]

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Corporate Greed vs. Special Needs Kids

Corporate Greed vs. Special Needs Kids I hate Telus. Communication should be a right these days, not a privilege. And this should of been the case before 2000. And Telus, I think, has too high of a hook -up charge. And I had to get someone to co-sign for me just to get it. And […]

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Persons with Disabilites (pt 1)

Persons with Disabilites (pt 1), by Cathy Grant We had just finished showing our video, the one narrating our “cultural story”, and we explained the context of it. It was our story, that of all political refugees, from any country, from any kind of political persecution. Elana had told some of our personal circumstances, centering […]

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Persons with Disabilities (pt 2),

Persons with Disabilities (pt 2), by Cathy Grant   “ This week has been particularly bad for me. So many problems at home, so much abuse, so much anger. It’s like a black hole without end. And those caretakers shutting me down all the time, blaming me or making me feel bad or ungrateful. Whenever I […]

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I have never in my life been so sickened and repaulsed

I have never in my life been so sickened and repaulsed as to being a British Columbian as i am now.We are seening a new generation of politics being played and in the end we will pay the price of children playing in the commons . HOw long will it take for the peaple of […]

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Take government out of a direct role in providing community living services

• Take government out of a direct role in providing community living services to children with special needs and adults with a developmental disability. • Creation of a new governance structure for the delivery of supports to individuals with disabilities and their families – the Community Living Corporation of BC. • Review all policies and […]

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I think it is terribel that the goverment is going to cut our legal aid

I think it is terribel that the goverment is going to cut our legal aid so how do we get free lawyers? We are beiong treated unfairly bye the goverment and thats not fair to people with disabiltiieis. I hope they stop having more plans because we will probably lose more services. from Marten

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How to Walk on thin Ice (pt 3)

How to Walk on thin Ice (pt 3) In communication, honestly is hard, but it is the best policy. We may lose the relationship but it is better to risk that than to live a lie. To live under the control of other people makes it hard to communicate. This can apply to students in […]

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HOW TO WALK ON THIN ICE WITHOUT FALLING THROUGH “ I KNOW YOU BELIEVE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU THINK I SAID, BUT I’M NOT SURE YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU HEARD IS NOT WHAT I MEANT.” By Cathy Grant Take Care of Millie tells of newly widowed Millie and her daughter Jan and the communication problems […]

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