Category Archives: 2017 Archives

Happy Canada Day

    On behalf of We would like to wish Happy Birthday 150 Canada. We have came along ways in 150 years for people with diversabilties. We have more acceptance in our communities, more independence and more job opportunities. Hopefully things will continue and get better for people with diversabilties.   Canada 150 Anniversary […]

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Disability Pride 2017 Announcement

2017 is the year for Disability Pride: Celebrate inclusion with the rest of Canada Inclusion BC is launching a year-long celebration of Disability Pride as part of the official Canada 150+ celebrations, marking our country’s 150th anniversary. Funded in part by Canadian Heritage, we are excited to be offering grants to help include people with […]

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September Marks Disability Employment Month in British Columbia, is in support of  Disability Employment Month.  This page is the place get all what going on in B.C for the month of September. And material information  on employment   September marks Disability Employment Month in British Columbia, an opportunity to highlight people with disabilities in the workforce. It is also an opportunity to […]

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New Brochure designed as Rack Card

Our new brochure has been designed as a rack card. This means it can be placed in your local offices and is easily displayed. feel free to download and encourage your local offices to print and distribute. Click hear to download 

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