Category Archives: Cathy Grant


Hello and welcome to the first essay in my column. Over the next long (I hope) while I will be sharing my thoughts and opinions to what I hope are the many readers of Some of my stories may make you laugh, or cry or even get a bit mad, but I hope they […]

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Common Sense Part III

Written by Cathy Grant So, continuing with the parts of my eBook Common Sense a Disabled Woman’s Perspective, here are points 4, 5, and 6. Enjoy, and as always, your feedback is welcome. #4: Be Honest This one might seem to be a no brainer but you would be surprised (or not if you have […]

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Location Location Location

Written by Cathy Grant So, I went to the BCITS’s AGM and Social last week. It was a lovely event where I saw a lot of people I hadn’t seen in a while, ate some good food, and even won a door prize. So far it had been a really fun evening; that was until […]

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