Category Archives: Democracy Wall

Democracy Wall

Consulting with Canadians on accessibility legislation

Message from the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities     Transcript: Message from the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities     In Canada we’ve made considerable progress in making our society more inclusive. We see this throughout our communities. But there is […]

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The Liberal government is launching what it says is the next phase of its study to reform the voting system — a campaign promise Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has shown signs of backing away from lately — through a new online portal called The Liberals are giving Canadians 25 days to take part in […]

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Local advocate encourages businesses to hire people living with a disability

David Johnston was interviewed by his local TV station 8/20/2015 Dawson Creek city council voted on Monday in favour of naming the month of September ‘Disability Employment month’, to help men and women living with a disability find employment. David Johnston already has it marked on his calendar. The Mile Zero City advocate said he’s […]

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