CLBC Connect – Digital Newsletter – March 2019

CLBC’s E-Newsletter    |    March 2019 View this email in your browser
          A bi monthly update with news,stories and tips

My booklet, your booklet:

How a mother’s storybook became a popular family tool

“Working on this project has not only connected me with other people, but helped me learn more about my daughter’s hopes, dreams and goals,” says Lydia Kang of MyBooklet BC, a resource originally developed for her daughter Julia.

Click here to read their story, and learn how a partnership with the Family Support Institute and CLBC helped make this valuable planning tool available for families across the province.



Taking the stage

“As an actor, I’m a story teller, and part of that involves being an open book, and being able to draw on my own experiences to make a point about a specific issue or topic,” says Jake Anthony (second from right), who recently joined CLBC’s Board of Directors.

Click here to read Jake’s story and learn how he carries his skills as a performer into his role as an advocate for people with disabilities.


Genuine care has impact


“I have always had a passion to help others. There is no better feeling than seeing individuals achieve their goals,” says Terry Gill, a Quality Service Analyst in Abbotsford who has worked with CLBC for more than 13 years.

Click here to read Terry’s profile and find his tips for family members on meeting with CLBC for the first time.

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