Congrats to our friends Liz, Cheryl, Jerry and Laura!

March 29, 2014

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Cheryl and Laura talking about Cheryl’s Star Raft Salons


In the Star Raft Salons some people have been talking about wanting to be inspiring public speakers and working towards that as one of many goals.   At the recent Coquitlam “Building a Community of Leaders: Regional Self-Advocate Conference” Liz Etmanski, a participant we got to know in a recent PATH training, gave a talk about “Drawing your BIG dreams” – on how her art has helped her clarify and communicate her decisions and aspirations.  Afterwards, Liz led participants in their own “Drawing your BIG dreams.”   Liz has gone on the facilitate PATHs and work as a graphic facilitator.

Cheryl and Laura talked about our journey together on the year long Cheryl’s Star Raft Salons curriculum, a learning journey developed by Cheryl and Barb Goode with David Wetherow, Shelley and Aaron.

We’ll be presenting this talk again at Inclusion B.C.!  Hope to see you there!

Jerry Laidlaw and Laura, participants in the Cheryl’s Star Raft Salons, also presented at the conference.


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