Disability Alliance BC (DABC) is thrilled to announce the launch of our new program, Tax AID DABC.

 tax-aid-dabc-2015-CMYK_big Dear Community Partner,

Tax AID DABC is a free, confidential provincial program that will assist people with the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation or Persons with Persistent and Multiple Barriers (PPMB) designation with basic income tax filings and information/referrals on tax related matters.

Our main focus will be on helping chronic late tax filers to catch up on their unfiled taxes. We can assist clients in several ways including:

§  Filing income taxes through one-to-one meetings

§  Helping gather tax slips and other necessary documents

§  Providing advice and information (in-person, or by phone and/or email) about filing income tax returns

§  Providing referrals to organizations in clients’ communities

§  Accessing advice and support for clients with more complex tax returns from a chartered accountant.

More than 20,000 people receiving BC’s disability assistance don’t file their income taxes regularly. This means they’re missing out on hundreds of dollars each year. For example, the GST credit, BC sales tax credit and carbon tax credit can provide an extra $400-$500 annually. Also, once people have filed their taxes they may be able to open a registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) with grants and bonds which can be worth thousands of dollars.

Please feel free to refer people receiving PWD and PPMB with unfiled taxes to Tax AID DABC. For more information, please contact Sam Turcott at 604-872-1278/1-800-663-1278 or taxaid@disabilityalliancebc.org, or visit Tax AID DABC’s website at www.taxaiddabc.org.

Any help you can give to let people know about Tax AID DABC would be most appreciated. We’ve attached PDF versions of Tax AID DABC’s poster and brochures.

Tax AID DABC poster


If you would like us to mail you some, please email Chloe at chloe@disabilityalliancebc.org. And please help spread the word about Tax AID DABC by using #TaxAidDABC on social media.

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