How I Entertain Myself During Covid

Written By: Sierra Dean

Entertaining yourself during COVID is a hard thing to do, but I’ve gotten the hang of it.

I use social media like Tik Tok on my phone, making content, as well as posting videos on my YouTube channel. I post kind of vlog style videos on my channel, and I made one on my recent trip. I went to Nanaimo to visit family.
Now, when I am at home, I obviously look for things to do that make me happy and help me not to get bored easily.

I go on my phone and watch Netflix a lot; my favourite things I have watched are Fuller House, Anne with an E, and Glee. My absolute favourite movies are The Descendants movies. I have a lot of Descendants related stuff around my room.
At home I am also doing a lot of stuff that isn’t on my phone. I like to sing and dance at home, as well as relax.

I like to bake with my mom every weekend. She finds the recipes during the week and we bake on weekends. It is lots of fun and it always tastes really good. This is very good family time for us. Another thing is that my aunt is a hairdresser and she does my hair (along with my mom) and right now it’s blue. I really want to dye my hair black, because its my favourite colour. My hair changes every season.
At Semiahmoo House Society (SHS), I go with Elizabeth and Janelle and sometimes we go bowling, sometimes we go see movies.

It’s lots of fun. I also go on the online campus, Happy Hour 2-3 times a week to see my SHS friends and have lots of fun. We also do arts and crafts. I also like to hang out with just Janelle and I. We went to Blackie Spit and Boston Pizza, it was lots of fun.

We had to plan through text and call, but we managed to get it together. I hope other self-advocates are entertaining themselves and having fun during COVID, too.

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