My name is Laura Clement and I was so happy to have a job. I used to work at Bruce’s Groceries a long time ago and I had transit back then because there was a bus.
Where I live now there is bad bus service and I cannot always get to and from work on time because of the schedule. My caregivers are busy because they have kids and cannot always drive me.
I was hired at the movie theatre in Duncan last summer. I was so happy to work there. It was my dream job. I used to work for 4 days a week and then it got tough to get there and we bumped it down to 2 days a week. My mom was driving me the 2 days a week. It was tough. Then just before Christmas they let me go at the movie and promised to hire me back in summer. I felt unhappy and I need it back in my life.
The bus system and Handi-Dart system just go until 6pm and my shift was from 6:30pm until 8pm. On Friday night I scheduled a sleepover with my mom to make it easier to get there the next day but on Tuesdays it was hard to get home.
I lost my job because of transit. I would like to see a better bus or Handi-Dart system that goes past 6pm. It is also difficult for my friends to get around too. They like to go out past 6pm sometimes for drinks, movies, bowling and that kind of stuff.
Are there any other persons or groups that are advocating for better transit? Maybe we can advocate for this together.
Laura Clement