IF Works!: How individualized funding put Onkar in charge

April 6th, 2016

Motivational speaker Onkar Biring found hiring his own employees through individualized funding gave him more flexibility to plan his day. Now he’s the boss, hiring and, if necessary, letting go support workers, while getting better and more personalized assistance. The administration is “not as big a deal as (people) think,” he says, because he hands over the financial tasks to an accountant. Hear more about Onkar’s experiences with individualized funding in the video below from InCommon.TV:



Individualized funding is an important option for receiving CLBC services that can lead to a better quality of life. As an alternative to existing residential, community inclusion or employment programs offered by service providers, it allows you a say in planning and directing your own services. Resources are available to help you think about individualized funding as an option for helping to improve your life.

To learn more at the links below:

CLBC Individualized Funding Information

VELA Canada  (VELA Canada provides support to CLBC individualized funding and Microboard users)

Other success stories about people using individualized funding options

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