iPad program created to help people with autism


The Fraser Valley Autism Society has launched its first iPad grant program.

The program was created to provide support for individuals with autism who are struggling with the challenges around communication, organization and fine motor skills.

With the increasing amount of  apps now available that are specifically designed to address these needs, the Fraser Valley Autism Society decided that an iPad grant program was a good idea.

The program is made possible through donations from the Abbotsford Heat Foundation, Milestone’s Restaurant (Langley), as well as private donors and other fund raising endeavours.

For for detailed information on how to apply for this program go to http://www.fraservalleyautism.com/iPad_Grant_Program.html

The Fraser Valley Autism Society is a non-profit, charitable, volunteer organization that was created to offer support and guidance to families. Founded in 1995 by families, for families, it has been a part of many initiatives to improve quality of life for people with Autism and the families who love them.

For more information contact 604-490-3827.


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