Jamie’s Story: How individualized funding helped a hockey player reach his personal best

lynn barrisoffLynne Barisoff’s son Jamie became a local celebrity after individualized funding helped him keep his stick on the ice.

Today he works, cooks, keeps a balanced bank account and, that’s right, plays hockey, doing the things he values in life.

The family has the flexibility to change his services when they feel like it.

And Jamie and Lynne even took their individualized funding with them when they moved from Revelstoke to the Lower Mainland.

Hear more about how individualized funding empowered Jamie to skate to where the puck is in the video below from InCommon.TV:

I.F. Works! Jamie’s Story

Individualized funding is an important option for receiving CLBC services that can lead to a better quality of life. As an alternative to existing residential, community inclusion or employment programs offered by service providers, it allows you a say in planning and directing your own services. Resources are available to help you think about individualized funding as an option for helping to improve your life.

To learn more at the links below:

CLBC Individualized Funding Information

VELA Canada  (VELA Canada provides support to CLBC individualized funding and Microboard users)

Other success stories about people using individualized funding options

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