Robbery after Paul McCartney Concert: Please Help!

Jeff StackhouseHi my name is Jeff Stackhouse. You may know me from the hit films “Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever” and “Josie and the Pussycats”.  I’ve also been in every Faber Drive music video.

I am an artist from Vancouver, a UFV BFA Grad and 2 time Arty Award Nominee for Most Outstanding Artist in the Fraser Valley.  I have also participated in 2 Fraser Valley Biennale’s which means it is a collection of the best art and artists in BC Canada coming together in one beautiful show! I am also an official artist of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.


On Tuesday night (April 19th 2016) I left the greatest show of my life, SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY!!!! It was so so so amazing and what can I say… The leader of the Beatles LIVE right in front of my face!! Unreal!

I got some pizza after seeing Paul and got an evil and eerie feeling.  I looked around and noticed all my possessions were STOLEN.

My heart broke into a million pieces. How could anyone be so heartless? I lost all my photos and even special family photos and photos of me and little 4 year old buddy Greta who has cancer.  Evil people have stolen my most precious memories, my most loved artwork , and my most creative personal property!!!

10849135_1461345480.3502The 2 cameras are now gone, it is very sad and I am now fighting a lot of extreme depression and anxiety because of the heartless thieves that are crawling all over Vancouver.  The emotional damage is tremendously high and the pain of losing so much art on BOTH cameras is beyond devastating.

I come to all friends and strangers now to plead for your most generous and heartfelt support.  We may not find the robbers or be able to recover my precious artwork but we may be able to set things on a path that is of God’s almighty justice.

We do not want to live in a world where the criminal’s win (and always win). They take and get money for drugs and overdose and die all because they don’t give a damn about the good people trying to help others through the beauty of love and kindness. There is no respect there, no love, just darkness, just evil.

I give daily to ALL my friends on Facebook. I give hundreds of great photos away FREE per day without asking for a penny. I have given that way for 10 years.

My friends it is time to give back. I have truly lost it all and have nothing to my name. The thieves have taken my soul and sprit and my dignity for now so I ask with a huge open heart of love that we can overcome this TOGETHER and give TOGETHER and love each other and PROVE without a shadow of any doubt that LOVE IS GREATER than evil.

Love will win out in this case.

What was meant for EVIL that night will be used for good by me and by all of us. We must have strong faith and BELIEVE in love and kindness.

As the Bible says in Genesis 50:20 “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for GOOD” Amen!

Also Romans 8:28 states “We know that God causes all things to work together for GOOD.” So with that said lets all bond together, LOVE each other and LOVE God and bring GOD and GOOD back into this evil situation.

The power to rectify this situation is in our hands and in God’s. Together all will be made right and JUST.

The 2,000X$10 Campaign is a call to action from all 2000 Facebook Friends to give a measly tiny donation of $10. Together we will raise over $20,000, and all money will be used to purchase premium artistic equipment.

I will also be using the cameras and gear to help children with cancer and will make paintings to raise funds for them. I will give back (as always) to the children who need the love and support the very most. I am prepared to volunteer my time and art to make a difference specifically because of this evil theft.

Do you want to see good come out of evil? If so this is our one major chance we have to prove the Bible’s TRUTH. We can show others ALL THINGS are meant for GOOD!!!!

I pray all who see this donate just $10 small dollars… no one will miss a couple coffees or a Big Mac meal but we will all lose out tremendously if we do not change evil into good.

I thank you all in advance and already see the tremendous outpouring of Love that is to come!

All Paul McCartney, Beatles, Diana Krall, and Jimmy Fallon fans (all of which were on stage LIVE in Vancouver for the famous ONE ON ONE Tour) please band together in support of this love driven campaign!

Please visit to help support this worthy cause today!

Also time is of the essence dealing with theft so please help out by sharing this publicly to all family and friends on your Facebook and Twitter!

Do not hesitate to write me  at if you have any tips on where I can locate my stolen cameras.

Thank you and God Bless you always,


Jeff Stackhouse

UFV BFA Artist
2-time Arty Award Nominee
2-time Best Artist Award

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