Local business recognized for diversity in workplace

35066cranbrookdailycscl_webMax’s Place was recently recognized for supporting diversity in the workplace. The recognition comes from the Cranbrook Society for Community Living (CSCL). Pictured, Left to right, back row: Graham Barnes, Max’s Place owner; Melanie Fiorentino, CSCL; Brendan Arnett, CSCL; Rebekah Quennell, CSCL; John White, CSCL; David Ham, Max’s Place employee. Front row, left to right: Kelly Purvis, Max’s Place employee; Lisa Barnes, Max’s Place owner; employees Roxana Podrasky, Anett Jahnel and Angie Wulff.


Max’s Place has been recognized for supporting diversity in the workplace.

The acknowledgement comes from Cranbrook Society for Community Living’s Employment Options Team by way of a Diversity @ Work sticker.

The sticker, which is displayed in the window, encourages the community to patronize businesses that participate in diversification.

The BC EmployNet team, along with the Provincial Networking Group, developed the program to recognize employers who support a diverse workplace.

BC EmployNet is a unified network committed advancing employment support practices.

The Provincial Networking Group Inc works to address social services needs in various regions across B.C.

The Diversity @ Work sticker is awarded after an employer has employed an individual with a developmental disability for a minimum of three months.

The Cranbrook Society for Community Living’s Employment Options Team presented the sticker to Lisa and Graham Barnes, owner’s of Max’s Place, along with their staff. Community Living noted that the staff and owners at Max’s Place have worked diligently with the employment development to provide a successful opportunity for one of their jobseekers.

Roxana Podrasky joined the team at Max’s Place in March and thanks to a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere she has become a part of the Max’s Place family.

Podrasky grew up in the community and has called Cranbrook home for most of her life. She became a part of the CSCL in 2010. Once she was comfortable with her new environment, she was able to create a lasting friendship with both the staff and peers at the organization.

When she began working at Max’s Place in March, she was greeted with open arms, and now in her fifth month of employment there, it’s evident to the staff at the CSCL that this is a lifelong fir for Podrasky.

The CSCL seeks to enrich the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities.

For more information about the Cranbrook Society for Community Living or its employment options department go to www.cranbrookscl.ca, call 250-426-7588 or email employmentoptions@cranbrookscl.ca.


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