My First Job at FYidoctors

My name is Cyrus Bahador. I joined Solutions Employment at Delta Community Living Society in September 2018.

I had my first job experience at FYidoctors in April 2019 as warehouse assistant. I was very impressed by the technology of making a good pair of prescription glasses. I couldn’t wait to be hired and am an employee now.

My job includes taking out every single piece of prescription glasses from assigned boxes and ensuring all the detailed information of patients are correct. These are my major job tasks.

I enjoy the work very much because I have lots of very nice coworkers with great team spirit, enjoy the technology of the company, always learn new things each day and am growing a lot in the company.

At FYidoctors, when I go to work each morning, I feel happier and better each day. I love every minute of it, always would love to make work improvement in the company and do my best.

For my social network at FYidoctors, I made lots of new friends and my social life got better. Everyday I feel more motivated and encouraged to do more work to improve my life. I am so proud of being part of FYidoctors.

I enjoy my life satisfaction there. The staff, including the Director and manager are very nice and friendly to me and I have lots of support from them.

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