captureThe Liberal government is launching what it says is the next phase of its study to reform the voting system — a campaign

promise Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has shown signs of backing away from lately — through a new online portal called

The Liberals are giving Canadians 25 days to take part in a lengthy online interactive survey on electoral reform. is an innovative way to join the national conversation on electoral reform. By answering a few questions, you can draw a picture of your democratic values. You can share your results with friends. It only takes a few minutes to answer and your feedback will help shape a healthier democracy.

As you answer the questions, remember that there are no wrong answers and your individual responses will always remain anonymous. This is a different way of consulting Canadians – we hope you enjoy this, and learn something too. Thank you for participating.

Click here 

online survey from our federal govt your oppurtunity to voice your concerns regarding electoral reform

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