What is the purpose of a Self-Advocacy Group?

The purpose of The Nelson Self-Advocacy Group is to encourage people with disabilities to take more control over their own lives, make their own decisions, solve their own problems, and speak for themselves. We build awareness and education of the strengths, rights, wants, and needs of people with disabilities.
The direction of the group will be member-driven and therefore the group could take on several forms.
The group may decide to become more activist with letter writing and protest activities; or the group could simply remain a supportive environment to share and build new friendships.
Educating ourselves on topics related to self-advocacy will always be included and special guest speakers may also be invited to further inform our members.

What is the role of the advisor?

My name is Matthew and I am the advisor to the group. My job is to attend all meetings and make sure that the group is following all rules and agreements.
I also organize the meeting’s structure while making sure everyone feels welcome and has a chance to speak.
I will also be providing educational material and presentations on topics related to self-advocacy.
I will do my best to ensure that all group decisions are followed through; however, I am not “the boss” because the members make all the important decisions by a vote.

Meeting Procedure: What to expect.


  1. Meetings will begin with a welcome and recitation of the rules.
  2. Then a small check-in will occur where people have a chance to speak briefly. People can always pass if they do not want to speak.
  3. The business of the meeting will start with a breakdown of the agenda decided upon the previous meeting, this is called old business.
  4. This will be written in large letters at the front with pictures beside them.
  5. Then people will have an opportunity to add new business to the meeting schedule.
  6. After old and new business is discussed, the group will set an agenda for the next meeting.
  7. The meeting will conclude with unstructured social time.


To Contact The Nelson Self-Advocacy Group

Matthew Wilson-Birks, BA
Supported Employment Coordinator
Custom Fit Inclusion & Employment
Nelson CARES Society
General Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 8:00 -4:00 pm
Ph. 250-352-6011 ex. 5271
Fax 250-352-9855
Check out Nelson Self Advocacy Group 
Social Media Page

The Nelson Self Advocacy Group Click on  Petitions 

518 Lake Street, Community Health Co-op Building, in the meeting room.

The Nelson Self Advocacy Group Dates  be Here

Greetings Self-Advocates, and Happy New Year,

One of our members, Sommer has been sharing some excellent information about the push for increasing PWD benefits in BC on the Nelson Self-Advocacy Group’s Facebook Page, including making the additional $300 increase permanent.
I think we should start the year off with a group effort to raise our voice on this important issue, but it is up to you members to get involved. At the next meeting, let us look closer at this issue and talk about ways to help. The Premier is on our side, let’s get noisy too.
Here is the webpage outlining a letter-writing campaign we may wish to join:…
Here is an online petition that you can already sign to get started:
Hope to see you there on January 28th, here is the information to join the zoom room:
· Meeting ID: 812 497 8067
· Password: CARES


Kind Regards,
Matthew Wilson-Birks
The Nelson Self-Advocacy Group
General Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 8:00 -4:00 pm
Ph. 250-352-6011 ex. 5271
Fax 250-352-9855

Map to
567 Ward St, Nelson, British Columbia V1L


Events of Nelson Self Advocacy Group

This is Nelson Self Advocacy Group Seven Essential Mental Activities that Self-Advocates are doing well Social Isolation at home activities  interesting discussion about positive mental health and the ‘mind-platter. Make sure you feed your mind.
All seven types of mind-food (Sleep Time, Physical Time, Focus Time, Play Time, Down Time, In Time, Connection Time).


The Nelson Self Advocacy Group Newsletter be here

The Nelson Self Advocacy Group Agenda and Minutes Here

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