October is Community Inclusion Month 2019

Selfadvocatenet.com in support of Community Living Month here on this page we would to keep you posted on activities in.

The meaning of Community Living Month is to celebrate the achievements that people with diversities have overcome in inclusion and employment in their life to fullest it is also to promote what disabilities is all about we would like stories photos for this page send them in to bryce.schaufelberger@homesociety.ca

October is Community Inclusion Month 2019




Minister’s statement on Community Inclusion Month

Shane Simpson, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, has released the following statement in celebration of Community Inclusion Month, October 2019:

“This is a time to recognize people with developmental disabilities and celebrate the importance of all people being able to contribute and be included at home, school, work and in the community.

“This year, the theme for Community Inclusion Month is ‘the future is accessible.’ Throughout October, Community Living BC, service providers and community groups will host events and initiatives to build awareness about inclusion for adults with developmental disabilities. The month also recognizes the important role families, friends, caregivers, volunteers, community groups and employers play in ensuring the full participation of those living with developmental disabilities in our communities.

“We recently launched public consultations to inform the development of legislation, standards and policies to better support people with disabilities to live with dignity and to participate in their communities. I encourage everyone to attend a community session or provide their feedback at: https://www.engage.gov.bc.ca/accessibility/

“Every person with an intellectual or developmental disability has the right and should have the opportunity to live life to the best of their unique abilities and interests.”

Quick Facts:

  • There are more than 926,000 British Columbians over the age of 15, or almost 25% of the population, who have some form of a disability.
  • Community Living BC serves more than 20,000 people in B.C. who live with a developmental disability or who are diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or autism and have significant limitations in adaptive functioning.

Learn More:

Accessibility through legislation – public consultation (Sept. 16 to Nov. 29, 2019): https://www.engage.gov.bc.ca/accessibility/

B.C. government accessibility initiatives: www.gov.bc.ca/accessibility

B.C. government services for people with disabilities in B.C.: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/services-for-people-with-disabilities/supports-services

Community Living BC: https://www.communitylivingbc.ca/

Re-Imagining Community Inclusion report: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/british-columbians-our-governments/organizational-structure/ministries-organizations/social-development-poverty-reduction/re-imagining-community-inclusion-march-2019.pdf

This is on BC Govt Website go to the link here


The Province of British Columbia has proclaimed October 2019 as Community Inclusion Month.

In October, CLBC joins other organizations and community groups in asking all British Columbians to celebrate the contributions of people who live with diverse abilities.

We encourage people to promote the month on social media, to ask their local municipalities to proclaim the month, and to let us know about events to build awareness locally about the importance of including the people we serve in community life.

To help with this, here are links to a cover letter template and a proclamation template. CLBC encourages everyone to let us know about any proclamations or activities to recognize the month in your area, and we will help promote them via our web site calendar of events. Send your information to Christopher.Rae@gov.bc.ca



Ross Chilton, CEO, Community Living BC


Celebrating Community Inclusion Month 2019

The Province of British Columbia has proclaimed October 2019 as Community Inclusion Month to celebrate the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of life, and to recognize the contributions they make at home, at school, at work and in the community. Read the proclamation here.

This will be the 21st year that October is marked as a time to celebrate inclusion in B.C. It will also be my first time celebrating Community Inclusion Month as CEO of CLBC.

My first months in the role have been a wonderful learning experience and I am excited to see the many ways people will be coming together in communities across the province during October. Art exhibitions, dances, a comedy show, an inclusion chain, an amazing race, and a pancake breakfast are just a few of the events taking place. Visit our website here to find out about events happening near you and check back during the month as we will be posting stories and highlights.

During October, CLBC will be hosting award presentations for the winners of our annual Widening Our World (WOW) Awards. These five inclusion champions, along with the many other nominees, show us the impact that people, businesses and organizations can have on making their communities more welcoming and inclusive for people of all abilities.

I encourage everyone to take some time in October to do something to recognize the people in your community who live with developmental disabilities, as well as the family members, friends, caregivers, service providers, volunteers, community groups, employers and others who are committed to their full participation in community life.

From joining a community event to supporting a local business that hires people with diverse abilities, there are many ways we can each play a role in creating communities that are welcoming and inclusive for everyone.

This on CLBC website go to the link here


Celebrate Community Inclusion Month 2019

Each October, CLBC joins British Columbians across the province in celebrating Community Inclusion Month. This month recognizes the contributions and potential of people with developmental disabilities, and the families, friends, caregivers, volunteers, community groups and employers who make our province stronger by ensuring their full participation. For the last 21 years, communities across B.C. have held events and initiatives to help build awareness about inclusion for adults with developmental disabilities, and to celebrate the people who include them.

Read a message from Ross Chilton, CLBC CEO, on Community Inclusion Month here.

Read Minister Shane Simpson’s statement on Community Inclusion Month here

See the official Community Inclusion Month proclamation from the Province of British Columbia here.

On this webpage you can find links to events and celebrations taking place across the province during Community Inclusion Month, as well as news stories and proclamations from local municipalities.

You can also visit CLBC’s Facebook and Twitter pages, where we will be sharing Community Inclusion Month updates with the hashtag #CIMonth2019.

Stay tuned to this page throughout October as it will be updated with new events, stories and proclamations.


Community Inclusion Month events across B.C.

Click the links below to learn more about events taking place across the province. You can also visit the CLBC Event Calendar here.

If you know of an event in your community you would like to share, please send the details to Christopher.Rae@gov.bc.ca.


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