Province announces in B.C. Budget 2018 funding for CLBC

February 21st, 2018

The provincial government has announced Budget 2018. CLBC’s operating budget for 2018/19 will be $1,015.8 million, including an additional $61 million in provincial funding.

The Province has also provided direction to CLBC on key priorities in its Mandate Letter, found here. You can read CLBC’s Annual Service Plan here.

“This budget demonstrates an important commitment to B.C.’s community living sector,” said CLBC CEO Seonag Macrae.

“CLBC remains focused on strengthening its services to ensure this funding provides effective supports to as many people as possible.”

CLBC funds and monitors support services to adults with developmental disabilities in British Columbia. CLBC also serves individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder or Autism Spectrum Disorder who also need significant help with daily tasks.

Services are provided through a network of service providers and include employment, community inclusion, residential and respite supports.

Each year, about 1,000 new people become eligible for supports. Those eligible for supports have grown from 12,735 in 2010 to an expected 21,000 by March 31, 2018.

The additional funding will allow CLBC to maintain ongoing services that have been implemented in previous years, as well as provide new and increased services to address the service demand.

It will also help meet increased funding commitments to service providers related to the Economic Stability Mandate.

To understand how CLBC makes funding allocation decisions for individuals who have requested disability-related services, please read this backgrounder.

In support of government priorities, CLBC is completing the first year of its three year strategic plan, found here. CLBC will launch by this fall a new more informative and supportive welcome and planning process for families, along with a new web site to make information easier for individuals and families to find.

Other ongoing projects include improving support for people with developmental disabilities and concurrent mental health and other complex challenges; increasing employment rates, and; making service provider contracting and monitoring systems more effective.

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