2019 Year in Review

Selfadvocatenet 2019 Year In Review

This Page is to look back at some things happened in 2019

will pick out the important happenings and headlines and to some our stories


Well First our review start with some our stories came in 2019

Well some of our self advocates we lost in 2019.


Cathy Grant her last story she did before she passed away.


Jerry Laidlaw tribute video was down after he passed away

Jerry Laidlaw Tribute – A Celebration


Now some of other Self Advocates  stories came in 2019 highlight.

 Celebrated Its website in 2019 for 20 years and also

20th Anniversary Self Advocacy Leadership Retreat took place in Mission BC


 Here can see pictures of the celebration both retreat and sans website at Camp Luther in first part in link

20th Anniversary of our Annual Self Advocacy Leadership Institute at Camp Luther In Mission B.C 2019 on November1st – November 3rd , 2019

Affordable housing announcements 2019 here

Province welcomes federal investment in housing

Transportation announcements 2019 here

Canadian Transportation Agency launches consultation on Phase II of its Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations

CLBC News announcements 2019 here


New CEO of CLBC announcement 2019 here

Ross Chilton to become Community Living BC CEO in 2019


Council helps build self advocate leadership capacity

CLBC WOW Award 2019 has been announced winners

First CLBC Welcome Workshops well attended

Krystian Shaw of Kamloops recognized with provincial CLBC inclusion award

CLBC put together a New website maps inclusive and welcoming places in B.C. communities


BC Govt news on Accessibility and inclusion law announcement 2019 here

Province launches first poverty reduction strategy, TogetherBC


Federal govt News on accessibility law came in 2019

Canada’s first federal accessibility legislation receives Royal Assent






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