is in support of Disability Employment Month.
This page is the place get all what going on in B.C for the month of September.
And material information on employment
September marks Disability Employment Month in British Columbia, an opportunity to highlight people with disabilities in the workforce.
It is also an opportunity to celebrate businesses that have opened their doors widely to create and foster inclusive workplaces.
Their leadership shows that it is more than just a feel good policy.
The possibilities and profitability of inclusive workplaces are, in fact, a solid business decision.
Here can download a copy of Canadian Disability Employment Survey this was taken 2012 STATISTICS
This booklet done with self advocates.
Real Work for Real Pay; A booklet by self advocates, for self advocates
Approximately 334,000 British Columbians, aged 15 to 64 years, self-identify as having a disability.
- According to the 2012 Canadian Survey on Disability ( approximately half of these persons are employed, and
- 55% of persons with disabilities aged 15 to 64 participate in the labour market, compared to 78% of persons without disabilities.
- Among Canadians with disabilities who were employed at some point in the five previous years, 12% reported having been refused a job as a result of their condition.
- Currently, the employment rate for people with disabilities is 18 percentage points lower than people without disabilities.
- The 2013 Student Outcomes survey by BC Stats found 81% of respondents with a disability found employment after graduation, compared with 91% of respondents without a disability. The median annual income for graduates with a disability was $38,000 compared to $40,000 for those without a disability.
- A Job Accommodation Network study ( found that more than half of 1,100 employers of people with disabilities benefitted from increased overall company morale and productivity.
- Most workplace accommodations for a person with disability cost $500 or less, with many accommodations having no cost.
- Almost 90% of consumers prefer companies that employ people with disabilities, according to a study cited in a 2012 Conference Board report ( .
- With close to one million job openings expected in B.C. by 2025, British Columbians with disabilities are an important, and largely untapped, talent pool.
Government Support
- September 2016 is the third annual Disability Employment Month.
- Government, business and the disability community are working together to reduce barriers and champion employment opportunities for people with disabilities through Accessibility 2024, government’s 10-year action plan to make B.C. the most progressive province for people with disabilities in Canada.
- B.C.’s goal is to have the highest labour-market participation rate for people with disabilities by 2024.
- The Presidents Group – a group of influential business leaders – are encouraging employers across different sectors to hire more people with disabilities.
- Over $179 million invested through the Employment Program of BC over the last four years is helping people with disabilities overcome barriers to employment.
- All 84 WorkBC Employment Services Centres throughout the province serve people with disabilities.
- Since 2012, almost 75,000 people with disabilities have received one-on-one support from a WorkBC centre case manager, with approximately 37% of those finding employment or volunteer work.
- B.C. is the first province to introduce the Annual Earning Exemption so people receiving disability assistance can calculate their earnings up to $9,600 on an annual basis instead of monthly. This allows workers with a disability to keep more of the money they earn.
- In June 2016, employed clients receiving disability assistance benefits had an average monthly earnings exemption of $676, up from $323 in June 2012.
- The provincial government provides $3 million annually for the Technology@Work ( program, operated by the Neil Squire Society, to provide assistive technologies that support employment goals. Assistive technology includes mobility supports, assistive devices such as alternative keyboards and voice-input equipment, hearing devices and workplace modifications.
- The Province has invested more than $4 million in public post-secondary programs to increase the success of students who face barriers to education and training, such as physical or learning disabilities.
- The Province has invested $3.4 million for Community and Employer Partnership projects focused on work experience and improved employment outcomes for people with disabilities.
- Up to $1 million annually is provided by the provincial government for research and innovation projects aimed at improving employment outcomes for people with disabilities.
Here is a Employment booklet done by Canadian Association for Community Living
Featured Champion Employers
This one from Mission Association for Community Living IN BIZ NEWS
Mission Association for Community Living (MACL) have long been community advocates looking to build bridges to create an inclusive and caring society where individuals with developmental disabilities are given the support and opportunities for a fulfilling quality of life.
One of their successful and growing programs is Employment Services, which partners local business and employees with a disability. Matches are made based on the skills of the employee and the requirements of the business.
Prior to finalizing a work placement, potential recruits are offered skills development through MACL’s Job Club, where work expectations, interview skills and job readiness are all covered.
This is followed by onsite job training and coaching supported by a member of the Employment Services team, Disability Awareness training for company staff and ongoing support and development for all parties involved.
Successful MACL Job Club participants
It is not surprising that the list of participating companies continues to expand.
“Champion Employers”, as they are described by MACL, include Mission Springs, The Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce, Superstore, Liberty Tax, Pro-Oil, Mission What’s On Magazine, Wentings Cycle and Mountain Shop, VIP Soap Products and Eleni’s Restaurant.
This gives workers a range of opportunities in retail, manufacturing, catering and office duties.
So why hire through MACL?
- Increases customer loyalty and sales (research by the Job Opportunity Information Network found 78% of Canadians were more likely to buy from a business that hires people with disabilities than from a company that does not).
- Expands workforce diversity
- Strengthens staff morale and lowers staff turnover
- Gains community credibility
- Cost effective
- Employs dedicated staff who are motivated, enthusiastic, willing to learn and will take on any task
Mike working at the Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce
So what are you waiting for? With a list of employees waiting for the opportunity to help your business – contact MACL’s Arienne Jaeb at 604 820 1815 or e mail: for more information.
“The only disability in life is a bad attitude” – Author: Scott Hamilton, Olympic Gold Medalist & Special Olympics Ambassador.
Employment Stories
On this page you can find employment success stories and videos focusing on employees, employers and service providers, as well as links to employment-related publications and resources.
Be sure to check back often as we will be posting regular updates.
Employment Stories
Muncie’s Story – Valley Autohouse in Chilliwack
Kayleigh’s Story – Walmart in Terrace
Chris’s Story – Home Depot in Chilliwack
Nevada’s Story – Digital Toys in Surrey
Video Stories
Stephen’s Story – Super Store in the Fraser Region
Mike and Brittany – Kettle River Canoes in Grand Forks
Leif’s Story – Black Diamond Lanes in Prince George
Inclusive hiring giving Kelowna man a new outlook
Community Action Employment Plan (CAEP) – Priorities 2016 – 2019
Many individuals CLBC serves want to work. The Community Action Employment Plan (the Plan), launched in March 2013, reflects the input and efforts of hundreds of people across British Columbia who are working collaboratively to increase employment for the people CLBC serves.
The plan’s three-year goal was to assist 1,200 more people to access employment.
As of March 2016, CLBC and all of its partners were pleased to acknowledge that we had exceeded our goal, with data showing 1,800 more people reporting income for a total 4,000 people (21 per cent of people CLBC serves).
CLBC and its partners recognize there is still much work to be done.
We’ve set a new three year goal of 25 per cent of CLBC-served individuals reporting income, or about 5,000 people. You can read about the first two years of achievements for the Plan here.
The Community Action Employment Plan – Priorities 2016-2019 outlines which key initiatives from the Plan released in 2013 will be the focus for the next three years.
This includes implementing the development of local employment plans across BC.
There is a role for everyone to play in helping to build more inclusive workplaces across BC.
Find out more about your role and how you can contribute by clicking on the links on the left hand side of this page.
These were from 2015
Ready Willing and Able website
Building An Inclusive Culture at Atlantic Grocery Distributors
Fear of the unknown often holds organizations back from building an inclusive workforce.
According to a recent report by the Institute of Corporate Productivity, preconceived concerns about hiring workers with intellectual disabilities averaged 42% higher than challenges actually experienced employing them.
At Atlantic Grocery Distributors Ltd. (AGD) in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, this concern was top of mind for Supervisor, Bill Hunt, when he hired Tim to work as a janitor in the warehouse.
Tim was hired through the Mariner Resource Opportunities Network (MRON) with support from Ready, Willing and Able (RWA); a national initiative designed to increase the labour market participation of people with intellectual disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
A key goal of supported employment partnerships such as MRON and RWA is to address many of the preconceived barriers that employers anticipate when it comes to hiring an individual with an intellectual disability or ASD. This often includes safety concerns, productivity and the effect on team performance and corporate culture.
“We had some concern about how Tim’s disability would affect his work and his co-workers,” says Hunt, “Now the comments from the team are that they wish they had 10 more co-workers like Tim.”
As the one of the main employers in the Conception Bay North region of Newfoundland, AGD has embraced the idea of inclusive employment and initially started hiring part-time employees for various positions. When a full-time janitorial position was required, they decided to continue to hire inclusively
“As a food distributor, we have strict safety and cleanliness standards that have to be met, so this is a very important job,” says Hunt, “Tim is an extraordinary employee—he takes direction without complaint, is always on time and gets along well with his co-workers.
In fact, Tim’s work ethic and high level of productivity have led to additional responsibilities, including assisting with food deliveries to local customers.
Research shows that high-performance organizations like AGD are 37% more likely to hire people with intellectual disabilities because they see the talent and skill matching potential. Supported employment partnerships such as MRON and RWA help employers match the right candidate to the right job and provides support every step of the way.
Funded by the Government of Canada and active in 20 communities across the country, RWA is a national partnership of the Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL), the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance (CASDA) and their member organizations.
Wendy’s Inclusive Hires Demonstrate a Zero Percent Turnover
Visit any Wendy’s Restaurant in Prince Edward Island and you’ll find a diverse and inclusive workforce that has been part of the corporate culture for many years.
“We’ve always been willing to hire anyone who wants to work.
There are employees with some form of disability in every one of our restaurants,” says Mike Stargratt, Regional Manager at Wendy’s Restaurants of PEI/DP Murphy Inc. “We believe in giving everyone an opportunity.”
Callie is one of the company’s most recent hires. As a customer service ambassador, she greets customers, does patron surveys, cleans trays and helps customers with their drink and food orders.
According to a 2010 Deloitte study, employees with disabilities are typically associated with strong performance, good attendance and higher-than-usual job retention.
“From a business perspective I don’t think I have a better employee. She is passionate about what she does and never calls in sick. I wish we had a Callie in every store,” says Stargratt.
According to the National Restaurant Association, the employee turnover rate can be as high as 75% in the quick service restaurant industry.
On an annual basis, this can have a significant impact in terms of the cost of employee training and resources.
For Stargratt, this is a key benefit to hiring individuals with an intellectual disability.
“We have a zero percent turnover rate with our employees with disabilities. We have one individual who has been with us for 30 years and has never missed a shift,” says Stargratt.
Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) is a national initiative designed to increase the labour force participation of people with intellectual disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Active in 20 communities across the country, RWA connects and supports employers, persons with intellectual disabilities or ASD and local, provincial and national community agencies.
From assistance with the hiring process to support with on site training, RWA helps businesses along every step of the way.
“Overall, it’s no different than hiring any other employee. You have to put the right person with the right job and RWA provides the help and guidance that you need,” says Stargratt.
Featured Champion Employee Stories
Nicholas Brenner’s journey of accessing services through WorkBC
North Island Employment Foundations Society and Campbell River Association for Community Living.
Events in Month September for Disability Employment Month section
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