Mike Bourassa with Bill Maitland at Goat Lake Forest Products in Powell River.
Bill has been impressed with Mike’s hard work and positive attitude in his job.
Mike Bourassa has grown up in a family that has worked all their lives in the logging industry, where he first learned how to split wood and kindling. When a position at Goat Lake Forest Products for Dust Management became available, Mike was interviewed by Bill Maitland, the Manager of Shakes and Shingle production. Mike impressed Bill with his enthusiasm and was hired that day.
Mike has been working at Goat Lake Forest Products since September 19, 2016. When asked how he likes working there, Mike responded, “I love going to work, enjoy the physical labour of the position and feel proud of the work I do. It is a good job, good people, good money and Bill is hilarious.”
His main duties are Dust Management, as that is a Worksafe BC requirement and he takes it very seriously. Goat Lake Forest Products wanted to be proactive in the new ruling of a dust management plan to ensure a safe environment. Mike attends safety meetings once a month and always remembers when new duties are added to his job. He is on time for work and gets along well with the staff. Bill Maitland, his supervisor says that that Mike “works hard, is good natured and quite a joker.”
Mike is working five days a week and says he looks forward to going to work and is very grateful for the opportunity given to him to show his skills and abilities.
Bill says that he appreciates the service given by Employment Services and that “the service is a valuable bridge to understanding a new employee and the best approaches with communication and success.” He also said, “I was pleased with the quick response of the service and the cooperative arrangement. I would definitely recommend the services of ES to other employers. I will be contacting the office in the future with more employee requests.”
This job has turned out to be a perfect fit for both Mike and his employer. Bill has indicated that when Mike is ready they can groom him for other positions higher up in the business. Bill said, “Mike has a job for life with Goat Lake Forest Products.”
Thank you to Goat Lake Forest Products from all of us at Employment Services for your inclusive working environment and equal opportunity business!
This story was submitted by Inclusion Powell River Employment Services. Inclusion Powell River is a CLBC service provider who works with CLBC in our provincial efforts to increase employment for individuals through the Community Action Employment Plan.
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