The Chilliwack People First group is a group for self advocates to get together, share our stories and experiences, stay informed and support one another.

We are friends who help each other.

The group started in 1992 when Mike and Connie Newton got together with Julie Flumerfelt as an advisor and started inviting others to join in.

The 3 founders have moved on but 2 of our current members were there at the start.

We make sure that everyone has a chance to speak, that members are informed about community events and issues and that everyone knows their rights; especially the right to be included in AND contribute to the community.

Amoung other things, we do fundraising once or twice a year and donate some money to worthy causes annually.

A few years ago we did a SASI project with funding from CLBC and did a community forum at city hall and a fundraising dance and raised $800. for the food bank.

We have co-hosted a forum on employment with others from the lower mainland.

We have done letter writing campaigns to the Ministry of Social Development and to the premiers of BC and provinces that still have institutions open.

Many of us volunteer in the community in events like the annual Pitch In and Party in the Park. We set up an info table at the annual Transition Fair to let people know what we are about.

We have also made our own custom T shirts, hats and key chains.

What we would like to see in Chilliwack is more affordable housing, more employment opportunities and a more realistic level of income assistance for those who have little employment.

Also important are less crime, more addiction treatment centres and better dental coverage.  chilliwack sa group

What we are most proud of is how long we have been together – 23 years. What we accomplished in our SASI project, our many donations (in the thousands of dollars) and most of all – in each other!

To others who want to get a group started we would say; choose your priorities, find a stable meeting place, have a commitment from the members to come to meetings and be supportive of each other.

You should have a plan to be self sufficient with fundraising. Most of all to ensure that all are welcome and able to share – and Have Fun!


Chilliwack PF executives:

Dave Wegenast – president
Shawn Palmer – vice president
Irene Farlin – treasurer
Joanne Bunnin – refreshment coordinator
(Rob Battis – acting secretary and advisor)


you can contact us  at

Shawn Palmer  vice president


Phone (604) 746-3524


Please Check out our new Facebook page Chilliwack People First


To Announcement of when meetings are here the place

Good evening to all Chilliwack People First members. this is your President speaking.

Our next meeting is June 26 at 7 PM at the CSCL office boardroom.

And for your information for all People First members. Their is going to be a barbecue at Cultus Lake Entrance between 3 and 6pm

And amount to pay is $10.  If you’re interested please RSVP the President of Chilliwack People First






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