Why I decided to run for Treasurer of the National People First Board


David Johnston

Before I tell you why I ran for the People First National board I think I should tell you what People First of Canada is all about.

People First of Canada http://www.peoplefirstofcanada.ca/ has a one representative from each province of Canada that sits on the national committee; it is usually the president. People First of Canada advocates for self-advocates all over Canada on different issues like affordable housing, transportation rights ,policy rights, employment, not using the r word; just to name a few.

People First of Canada believes that we are people first, not our label of disability.

I really like this quote from their web site “We see ourselves as self-advocate and full citizens of our country-living equally in community.

We see ourselves as people first, and as people who have taken back control of our lives from families, policy makers and professionals such as support workers, doctors, social workers and others, who for far too long, made decisions for us.” They take the saying ‘Nothing about us with out us” seriously and I like that.

The reason I ran to be the Treasurer of People First of Canada was I thought it would be a good experience, for training opportunities and to spread my wings.

I also ran because I have experience, I know how to be a treasure; I am the BC People First Treasurer http://www.bcpeoplefirst.com/. On the Board conference calls, I inform everyone how much money we have in the bank, what expenses we have had in the last month and I also tell everyone about the money coming in (I like when money comes in). I use excel spreadsheets to keep on top of our accounts.

I have been told I am doing a great job keeping on top of our accounts.

As the President of BCPF in 2013-2014 I was able to get a project with the Representative Children and Youth that brought in over $8,000 of revenue… like I said I am good with money.

One thing I learned was that you need to be at the AGM if you want to be elected.

If BCPF wants to have representation on the People First Broad, we will need to figure out how to have our nominees in the room face to face in Winnipeg.

It was disappointing that I did not win but the new People First of Canada Treasurer, Gordon Fletcher, will do a great job, I also like that he is from BC.

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