Widening Our World (WOW) Awards

clbc 2

October 2016

We are pleased to let you know that the eighth annual WOW (Widening Our World) Awards are being officially launched today!

Every year, Community Living BC’s (CLBC) WOW Award celebrates the different ways people are building inclusion across B.C.  Last year we received more than 50 nominations. You can see photos submitted by some of them here.

This year’s theme is “What Does Inclusion Look Like in Your Community?”

When someone nominates a person for a WOW Award, we are asking them to answer questions about how the person(s) they are nominating is making their community a place where people of all abilities are valued and respected. We also want people to take a photo to show us what the person(s) is doing and explain why it is inclusive (the photos will be posted on our website. If people need help taking a photo, they can email wowclbcawards@gov.bc.ca).

Nomination forms and the photo waiver for this year’s nominations are available online at www.communitylivingbc.ca/wow2016. The call for nominations starts today, and will end on November 30, 2016 at 5 p.m. There will be four winners chosen from across the province. Those receiving an award and the person who nominated them will be contacted in December 2016 once the selection committees have made their decisions.  The awards will be presented in the winners’ home communities during the months of January – March 2017.

There are three simple ways you can get more information or nominate someone:

  1. click here to fill out an online nomination and waiver
  2. go to CLBC’s website here to get a printable PDF version of the form and waiver
  3. for information or questions, send an email to the WOW Awards email contact at: wowclbcawards@gov.bc.ca

Recognition and celebration are important ways to raise community awareness about the importance of inclusion. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about this unique and important annual opportunity to recognize and celebrate inclusion champions in your community.

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