Working at a job I love

By Michaela Robinson Accessibility to me means going to a job I love and being part of a team that’s inclusive of all people.
I have learned it is important to speak up if you see an organization you would like to be a part of. I did and now I have a job I really love.I have been working at White Spot for almost a year and a half. I am a Hostess. I greet people as they come in, show them to their table and let them know who their server will be.
It is a great feeling to be out in the community and have people who I have helped at work, stop and say “Hi” to me.White Spot has been accessible and inclusive for me because I am short in stature and they have given me my own stool so I am able to be seen by customers. Customers are respectful and happy to see me. No grumpy customers so far! My favorite thing about working at White Spot are the people I get to work with.
They are friendly, respectful, encouraging and understanding if I forget information. I’m proud to be part of such a good community of people. It would be great if many others had the same opportunity.

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