10 Things I Have Learned During the Covid-19 Pandemic



Written By: Lillian W


1) Patience – On days where I don’t feel I have accomplished as much as I would like, I have accepted that I’m doing my best every moment of every day and that’s always good enough.


2) Relaxing with uncertainty – none of us have known when things would go back to more “normal”. Since we cannot control, we might as well relax and make the most out of our days!


3) Adapting and creating new routines – Instead of feeling stressed when my routines changed, I adapted and created new routines in my day that I look forward to. For example, making tea in the evening.


4) Learning new things – there are so many things I have wanted to learn in the past but put up barriers. I used this time to study and take up new hobbies. For example, I have started growing seedlings to plant in a vegetable garden this summer.


5) Seeing the glass half full – while sometimes it is difficult not to focus on all of the things you “miss”, it’s important to focus on the positives. I have been focusing on the fact that during the pandemic, the earth is benefitting with less pollution.


6) Being in the moment – I have learned to be more mindful in the simple day-to-day activities. Instead of worrying about tomorrow, I have tried to focus on what I can enjoy in each moment of the present.


7) Realizing what’s important – Covid-19 had helped me to remember what I am grateful for, like my family and friends.


8) Rest – This time has helped me to allow myself to rest and recharge.


9) Laugh – I have reminded myself how good it feels to laugh out loud, watching comedy or reading a funny book.


10) Have fun – I have tried to make sure I do something fun every day. Dancing, music, games, or getting fresh air or sunshine.


Hopefully my list has given you inspiration to reflect on the things you have learned during this unusual and challenging time. Thanks for reading!



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