10 Years Of Employment


Written by: Abneet Dhaliwal

My name is Abneet Dhaliwal and I was born with Cerebral Palsy. Before I got employed I didn’t know how to find a job and Milieu Family Services has advocated for me.

They have encouraged me to apply at Old Navy Guilford as a Greeter once a week. I have started working at Old Navy in 2010 and just had a 10 years Anniversary Celebration last week. It has changed my life completely.

I have become more independent and confident in myself and I don’t think I would be the same person today without my jobs. It has helped me in so many ways. Now I feel comfortable going shopping alone and feel familiar with location of the stores. My parents trust me and not worry about me.

Even if you have a disability if you commit to whatever job you want you can accomplish independence like me.

You just need the right people to help you along the way. I feel because of my job the disability goes away and I can be independent just like anyone else. 10 years ago I don’t think I could’ve felt this way like I do now. I’ve learned a lot. I’m not shine to ask for help if I need it.

My job gave me the push to overcome my fears and help me to become a person I always dreamed of.
Thank you for listening. I hope I can inspire you in your journey to accomplish anything you put your mind to it.

You just need the right people to help you along the way. The right support system.
Take care,
Abneet Dhaliwal



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