101 Ways To Make Friends July Edition

Jul 01, 2015 06:57 pm | Aaron

We are excited to once again be hosting David Pitonyak for a week in October!  David Pitonyak for Shared Living Folks: The Importance of Belonging Monday, 26 October 2015 from 9:00 to 4:00 Burnaby, B.C. Being connected to the people we love is critical to our emotional and physical well-being.

Many people experiencing our services […]


Jul 01, 2015 06:55 pm | Aaron

November 18 – 20th, Vancouver.  MAPS and PATH as exemplary forms of person centred planning: co-facilitating for individuals, friends and family, teams and organizations Aaron Johannes and Shelley Nessman with special guest David Wetherow What is MAP or PATH planning? “I know I speak for us both when I say that we LOVED the PATH […]

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