CLBC CEO: A 10-Year Anniversary Message July Edition

Dear friends of Community Living BC –

Yesterday, July 1, 2015, CLBC marked its 10-year anniversary. It was ten years ago that we were brought into existence under the Community Living Authority Act, the result of an extraordinary effort begun by families and self advocates who wanted a government funded organization that could focus on their unique needs.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the people we serve, their families, community living groups and service providers for being part of our journey, and working with dedication and passion to achieve the vision of good lives in welcoming communities.

Here is a special message acknowledging your efforts from The Hon. Michelle Stilwell, Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation.

We have launched a new web page, A New Generation of Possibilities, to get your input into our future. What should “good lives in welcoming communities” look like in 25 years?

To spark your imagination, we are launching an Envision the Future article series. Over the next months we will publish new articles from self advocates, family members and leaders, asking them to describe their vision. We invite you to read these and provide your feedback in the comments section.

Read the first article on my Vision for 2040: A world where everyone is recognized for their abilities.

Today I honour all of you who have worked so hard for an inclusive future.


Seonag Macrae
CEO, Community Living

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