12 new housing units on the way for seniors and disabled Kamloops residents

KAMLOOPS — The latest housing addition to downtown Kamloops will also feature extra homes for seniors and people with disabilities.

Oncore Seniors Society has announced construction is underway on 12 new affordable homes within one floor of The Lightwell, a new 6-storey development under construction along St. Paul Street.

In a release, the Society says the BC Government is providing around $2.25 million in capital funding for the project.

“We are thrilled to work with Oncore Seniors Society to give more people in Kamloops the security and peace of mind that comes with having an affordable place to call home,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “We are going to keep working hard to make life better for families, seniors and people with disabilities in Kamloops and across B.C.”

Located at 444 St. Paul Street, the mixed-use development that the units will add to already includes 140 residential units and commerical space.

Residents will also have easy access to many of the amenities downtown offers, including public transit, the library and museum, movie theatre, shopping, and restaurants.

“Oncore Seniors Society welcomes the opportunity to own and operate this needed development for some disadvantaged members of society,” said Garry Limpright, Oncore Seniors Society. “We thank the B.C Government and BC Housing for their participation in the continued creation of affordable housing in our province.”

Total Concepts Development Ltd. is developing The Lightwell, which is projected to be completed in Fall of 2020.

This Story is on CFJC Kamloops go to link here


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