I am Logan Gillies I go to Semiahmoo House Society North Campus.
I have been there for two years. When the program was cancelled for Covid 19, I felt upset and mad.
At first, I stayed home with my Respite Care Worker. When I felt stressed out, I went to the beach. I helped my Mom and Dad. We would go out, I helped at Walmart and No Frills.
On the weekend I hung out with my other Respite Worker. We would go to the dollar store for treats and then go for a drive. I always wear my mask at the stores or around other people.
I helped lead a Facebook Messenger group where I talked to people everyday about stuff that makes them happy. I checked in to ask how they are, how their day was and what they are doing. I used Messenger to talk to people and friends when they’re sad.
I talk to them to make sure they are ok, I worry about others and care about them. I feel better when I help someone.
I got a magnifying glass so I can see the keys on the computer. I also use it for paperwork. This way I can stay in touch with staff and friends.
I feel awesome that I am coming back to my program for 4 hours 4 days a week. I stay safe by washing hands, wearing a mask, socially distancing and cleaning all day.